Terms & Conditions
Saturday 28th September 2024, 10am - 4pm
Stall holder payment must be received by December 31st 2023 for Early Bird Discount cost to apply per stall.
Later booking payment, without this discount, must be received by June 30th 2024.
Late Application Fees apply after 1st July 2024
Final Booking date is 31st August 2024
Speciality Street Licence
The stall holder must provide Surbiton Festival with adequate information (Public Liability Insurance for min of £5M liability plus any hygiene certificates as appropriate) to apply for a Speciality Street Licence on their behalf, from the local authority in advance for the event. The cost of the licence and paperwork is included in the booking fee.
Risk Assessment
All stall holders must provide a Risk Assessment for the stall with their application.
Stallholders are advised to check that their insurance covers them and their staff against personal injury, public liability, and loss of damage to goods as the organisers will not accept liability arising from any of these circumstances. Please provide a copy of your insurance certificate with your application. Public Liability Insurance - MINIMUM REQUIREMENT £5M
Food and/or drinks for consumption stalls
Local Authority Registration (Hot food suppliers only)
All HOT food suppliers must provide the organisers with their own local authority registration.
All hot and cold food and drinks for immediate consumption stalls must agree to provide an adequate litter bin and dispose of any rubbish appropriately. Where possible, please avoid the use of plastic plates, cutlery, cups and straws. Local authority hygiene standards will have to be met.
It is a condition of Kingston Council that all food stalls must have adequate hand washing facilities within their premises for staff. If RBK staff observe inadequate facilities they have the right to close the stall down
We are unable to provide any source of power. Any generators allowed must be as quiet as possible and stallholders take full responsibility for any spillages and clear up.
Gambling and other restrictions
No raffles are allowed.
3 tombola stalls will be permitted – application by email and agreement to be given in advance
No political organisations
Stalls location
Stalls will be backing on to the kerb on the “Boots” side of the Victoria Road, between St Andrew’s Road & the station roundabout as well as in St Andrew’s Road, from Victoria Road to Maple Road, also in Claremont Gardens and St Andrew’s Square. The roads will be closed to traffic.
Choice of which trader goes in which space is determined by Surbiton Festival primarily on booking order then after on providing customers with a mixture of offerings and meeting customers’ needs and experience.
Festival day
8 am - 9am
Delivery of goods to a stall by vehicle.
All vehicles must be removed immediately after unloading. Parking is available at the station
All goods must be confined into or beneath the booked stall.
No overflow will be allowed - please do not build out in front of pre-erected stalls.
Please operate your stall from behind the table provided.
If you have free-standing banners to place or if you intend to meet & greet customers then please book a space & gazebo.
If you place marketing material in front of the stalls you will be asked to remove them.
10am – Stall must be open for business from 10am at the latest and trade until 4pm
4pm – Market closes
******* No cars allowed until Market Stall holders have closed and public have been cleared from Market area ******
4.45pm – Stall sites must be cleared of all goods and litter by 4.45pm on the day of the event
Cancellation Policy
If the event is cancelled by the organisers/government as a result of the covid pandemic (lockdown, restrictions on outdoor events,…), all monies will either be fully refunded or carried forward to the following year if preferred.
If booking is cancelled by stall holder, the following refund policy will apply:
Up to August 31st, 50% refund or carry forward to the following year
From 1st September no refund
As there is a possibility of the stall fee increasing the following year, by agreeing to carry their fee forward in case of cancellation, traders would avoid paying that increase. Should traders cancel the following year after having carried forward their previous year's booking, no money will be refunded or carried forward.
N.B. Bookings are accepted on the basis that all legal and local authority regulations are met by the applicant with no recourse to the festival organisers or expectation on such organisers to have full and complete of all applicants.
For more information, please contact: surbfestbookings@gmail.com